One of the Best and highly pollished Halos yet

User Rating: 10 | Halo 5: Guardians XONE

Please instantly disregard some reviewers on here that have given the game 1 or 2 out of ten. They for sure, and without a doubt have not even played the game, and may not have even watched or read reviews on it. I without a doubt have to say that Halo 5 is one of the best, if not "The Best" current Gen first person shooter out so far.

Graphics: The graphics in Halo 5 right from the start catch your eyes with stunning detail not yet seen in another console shooter. The bloom effects, how light pours out from different sources and changes a scene, particles dancing around the screen as you play all work well together. It was all blowing my mind on my glorious 4K TV! Half way through the first campaign mission something different about this game was eating at me in a good way, and I could not figure out what it was. Then I realized what it was... The game never falters from 60 frames per second once (due to Xboxs dynamic resolution abilities from DX12) as numerous creatures and enemies come in and out of the screen exploding in crazy unison. Being an avid first person shooter fan and buying the same games on multiple consoles(BF4, Destiny, Dying Light), I never knew who big of a game changer constant 60 FPS would be. I found I was still expecting the game to slow in the heavily populated areas like all other first person shooters do. I would even compensate, expecting it, then to my surprise, absolutely smooth gameplay! MIND Blown!

Story: So far the story is also one of the best so far in this generation. I am half way through and it is engaging and tells the story from multiple perspectives. It does not flow as nicely and chronologically as the original Halo games where each mission bleeds into the other mission on a real time basis. It now takes the more common story mode style used for a while in other shooters, where it jumps from mission to mission, sometimes with periods passing in between. It still gives more feeling and better story lines then all other shooters out so far.

Multiplayer: I do not need to say a whole lot on the Multiplayer of Halo 5 because of its excellence. As a stand alone, Halo 5 multiplayer would be able to sell as a whole game itself with hundreds of hours and play time easily used up. Other game makers would happily cut up half of the multiplayer and sell it to us as a 30$ DLC, such as the amazing Warzone. But Halo 5 delivers it all, in all its exploding, team chattering, head shooting glory.

Conclusion: I would have to say that Halo 5 is the best Halo game to date this generation on the Xbox one or any other console. The first time you fire it up and Spartan team air drops into a covenant war taking place below, you will know that effort placed in to this game. It is nice that there are still gaming companies out there that push the boundaries of gaming to try and capture the true gamers.