Okay, maybe not worth a seven, but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

User Rating: 7 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 WII
I am a life long harry potter fan (books and movies) and the seventh movie part 1 was the first movie to actually surpass my expectations. The Video game... not so much. I don't think the video game is crap like all the reviews are making it out to be. Sure the voice acting is passable at best, the controls are repetative and the story is loose, I give the developers props for doing something new. At least with this Harry Potter game we get some nice scenery to look at and more than four spells (even though you'll probably only use lik two through the game.)
What lead to this games down fall is that, on the wii, they did not utilize the motion controles the same way they did with the sixth. If the developers had spent some actual time on this game it could have been an AMAZING harry potter game. Instead they choose to do the predictable thing. The story is what you'd expect and the 'A' button is your attack button. That's essencially the game in a nut shell. There's some nice stuff to look at but that's it. It's not the crap people make it out to be but it 'aint great either.
If you're the kind of person who plans on being burried with thier harry potter books (what? Just me?) Then this game is worth renting. The only reason to buy this game is to add to the harry potter collection.