I Didn't Like the Game, But It Has Nothing to do With It's Theme

User Rating: 3 | Hatred PC

I didn't like the game, but It has nothing to do with It's theme, I simply got too bored to end it. The checkpoints are too far spaced out, and when you die you lose like 20 minutes of gameplay, which in itself is very boring. You do nothing more than kill a certain number of people, policemen and soldiers, and those numbers can be high. You can die pretty quickly, as well as you heal yourself fast too, but one mistake and you waste a lot of your time.

The game theme was never a deterrent to me, to say the truth I played the game because I thought it was interesting, but the game became just to boring to get to the end. It's very rare a game convince me not to end it, so if it happens my only conclusion is that the game is bad. But it has potencial, they could make a sequel more like a first person shooter. So nothing wrong with the idea, but with it's execution, and as some said, a boring game trying to use an extreme thematic to attract attention. It worked, but just so much.