A unique game that puts you in the lives of the characters, but with a somewhat predictable ending.

User Rating: 8.5 | Heavy Rain PS3
I loved this game. It was a very interesting style to play. Thoughts float above your head and you choose which actions to take. All your actions are important and could have lasting effects. The game pulls you into the lives of the characters with it's almost mundane actions. You brush your teeth, take a shower, but later on you're chasing down suspects or evading the cops. I can't wait to see what this team puts out next. The story allows you to play multiple characters and gives a very full and rich story. My only complaint is the story itself. It ends up being somewhat predictable and relationships between characters seem a little cliche or move too fast. Their are young children, but they don't always talk the way a young kid should. Besides this, I think the game is worth playing, since the experience is not like any other.