Play it for the story

User Rating: 9.5 | Heavy Rain PS3
Wow... going into buying "Heavy Rain" I was super excited just for the fact a game with a good story trumps just about every other kind of game - no lie there. For the reviews it had, I couldn't believe that I never had heard of it before... well anyway, what gamer doesn't love a good story? When a game can really get you to buy in, hook, line and sinker, and become truly addictive... well those are the games we remember. Heavy Rain is one of those games we will remember - honestly one of the best games I've ever played. Not much to game play, so if you're expecting complex controls and super engaging action, this isn't the game for you. Regardless, if you take heed that this game was never meant to be played that way - you will really enjoy it. Heavy Rain is the single best story I've ever experienced in a game... It's basically a movie - and that's what makes it so awesome. Barring a few contradictions and repetition, the game is near perfect. I rarely got upset during the game and actually enjoyed the entire thing through and through. In my opinion, games need to have a story to make or break them, and in Heavy Rain's case... when you get an AMAZING story, well that's all you need. Go buy this game and never sell it - replay value is very high too (game outcome changes with your decisions). Lock this sucker down for those "rainy" days when there's nothing else to do. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.