Fantastic! No game really makes you feel intensity and the difficulty of making decisions like Heavy Rain.

User Rating: 8.5 | Heavy Rain PS3
I had heard a lot of good things about Heavy rain, particularly that the story was great. And after playing it I certainly wasn't disappointed. This game plays out like a mystery game. While you inspect your surroundings you are often put in very intense situations and the game does an absolutely fantastic job of making you feel how urgent every situation is. With every situation you must be quick to react to the quick-time events that take place. But there are also times in the game where you are given a choice as to whether or not you want to do something and the game actually plays out differently based on your choice. This makes the game feel wonderfully interactive and makes it play out like you want it to.

Story: 9.75/10
A very thrilling mystery game. Throughout Heavy Rain, 4 characters are trying to unravel the mystery behind the origami killer. But not only that, the game gives you clues and as you watch the characters go about solving the mystery you'll be trying to figure out the killer as well. This game does a great job of sucking you into the story and you won't want to put it down.

Score: 8/10
The score isn't memorable but it does do a wonderful job of adding intensity to Heavy Rain when it calls for it.

Character/ Character Development: 10/10
An absolutely fantastic job done of developing Ethan, Scott, Jayden, and Madison. You can really feel each character's struggles throughout this game and all the dialogue and conversations are very believable and intriguing. This game sets a new industry standard for character development! I cannot stress this enough. If you play this game for any reason, play it for this!

Graphics: 9.5/10
Stunning graphics. Everything looks fantastic in this game, especially the characters. Many settings such as Ethan's house at the beginning of the game look very sharp and clear.

Gameplay: 6.5/10
Gameplay may be one of the less fun things about this game. There are many quick-time events which keep you on the edge of your seat, but aside from investigating for clues and quick-time events you don't do much else. However, in this particular game it does work well and you won't feel that limited.

Difficulty: 4/10 (0 being the easiest, 10 being the hardest)
This game doesn't provide much of a challenge outside of being able to have a quick reaction time, but it still can get tough to have that reaction time when in an intense moment.

Controls: 5.5/10
Although the controls are pretty straight forward, they can be a bit faulty at times. You can get stuck on the occasional corner or you character can turn a different direction then you want them to. Also during quick-time events it is on a few occasions difficult to tell when a button needs to be repeatedly push or when it needs to be held in the heat of an intense moment.

Organization/Clarity: 9.25/10
Since the game is linear, it's very easy to tell what needs to be done next. Also characters will give you clues to little additional things, (i.e. getting medicine for Shaun in Ethan's apartment)

Fun: 8/10
Trying to unravel the mystery of the origami killer does bring a good deal of enjoyment. Also the game has many intense moments that really bring you into the game and will actually make you feel and connect with the intensity that this game offers. It always feels that one wrong move could kill you.

Recommend For:
• Gamers who love an intense game
• Anyone who loves a good mystery story