Good, not great

User Rating: 6 | High on Life PC


It does a lot of things decently well, but nothing extraordinary.

Decent first-person shooter without any unique gameplay hook. Humour gets stale after a while, and story is really meh. Graphics are good for the environments, but all the aliens just look really boring. It's long enough to be a proper game, but short enough for you to not drop it out of boredom.

Detailed review follows:


Standard first person shooter with unlimited ammo. The game encourages you to use each gun's special power, but really ... the special powers are kinda meh. I wish they were more reliable in terms of how many enemies they affected or how long the special shots lasted, but I just felt it was easier to use each gun's primary shot as my main offensive weapon.

There's a little bit of exploration which rewards you with currency, collectibles, and sometimes (very rarely) some mods or upgrades for your weapons.

There's no map. That sucks. Deal with it.

There are no puzzles. I mean, not counting the overly simple pipe puzzles.


There are 4 planets to visit (not counting Earth), and sometimes the planets have different areas to visit. The environments really do look pretty gorgeous. Both the art style and the graphical quality for the environments is quite high.

Can't say the same for the humans OR for any of the other character models. The game shows a distinct lack of creativity in alien design. They're all mainly just BLOBS. I wish the aliens were more interesting to look at.


This type of humour will be hit-or-miss. It's a lot of toilet humour mixed with stoned humour. For me, it really began to wear thin after a while. The story 'hook' is interesting, but it didn't sustain my interest after a while. It really does feel like the writers got high and wrote whatever they wanted, and everyone else is giving them money for it. Meh.

None of the characters are interesting, either. You meet guns, each gun has a different personality, but the game doesn't invest time in telling you about their histories or anything.

Bugs, etc.:

I played it off Gamepass on the day it launched and I had a few bugs. The biggest issue I had was with sound. TIP: Change your sound to 96 Hz 24 Bit if you're facing sound-mix issues.

There were at least a couple of times when I had to reload the last checkpoint because the game locked me into an area I couldn't get out of (nor could I die). It crashed a couple of times, too, albeit that may just be my PC acting up.