Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but Harry Potter

User Rating: 9 | Hogwarts Legacy PC

You'd think that title is maybe hyperbolic, but this game "feels" very Witcher 3 - both in scope and execution. The combat is more akin to Mass Effect 3. If that sounds like your cup of tea, and you like Harry Potter, this will probably be among the best game experiences you will have this year. There is an incredible amount of content in this game - even after 42 hours and having completed the main story and many side-quests and reaching level 34 (the minimum level required to see the end credits), there is still a ridiculous amount more to see and do.

The writing and voice acting is easily good enough to keep you engaged (the male VA sounds almost exactly like Daniel Radcliffe). Some of the graphics are maybe a little wonky (i.e. previous generation), but who cares? It all comes together in an extremely satisfying experience for almost everyone, and particularly if you're a fan of the Harry Potter universe (I'd go as far to say this game is a "must have" for Potter fans).

The game ran flawlessly on an RTX 2060, at near max settings at 1200p. Totally playable on K+M. All the keys can be rebound for left-handed players. There really is nothing to complain about. Highly recommended for fans of Witcher 3 style core gameplay loop and story telling ((combined with with Mass Effect 3 combat).