I Hunted in the Demon's Forge.

User Rating: 10 | Hunted: The Demon's Forge PC
I loved this game from start to the very end of it. I can see many negative reviews everywhere. Why? The game has very few bugs. Skyrim was more buggy when it came out. What I love in this game is its world. The landscapes are pretty and creepy at the same time. Dungeons are deep and dark, but beautiful. The two main characters are funny and heroic at the same time. There is an interesting story, which shows us more and more as you complete the levels. There are many kind of enemies: skeletons, wargars, spiders, crawlers, minotaurs, dragons etc etc...
And there are three different endings. There are lots of special powers, gold, unlockables, and even a level creator.
And an additional multiplayer opportunity. What else do you want from a game? Its soundtrack is magnificent too.
I love this game, and I always will.