The only reason this game gets a 7 is because it's the best fighting game out there. Nevertheless, been there done that.

User Rating: 7 | Injustice: Gods Among Us X360
Being a fan of the DC universe, I can say I've been looking forward to this for awhile especially after seeing what Ed Boon did with the reboot of Mortal Kombat released in 2011. This review will include SPOILERS.

- A wide variety of characters to choose from, including Black Adam, Deathstroke, Captain Marvel and Ares, just to name a few.

- Some characters are equipped with two weapons that have different combos and special attacks. Wonder Woman is one of the characters to have two weapons, a lasso and a sword interchangeable during gameplay.

- Each level has it's own interactive objects that make the fight more interesting (e.g. smashing a car on the opponent). The level also starts fall apart due to the fighting making it more fun to watch.

- Extras (concept art, outfits, etc.) has to be unlocked through key cards. Key cards are earned through experience. This encourages more play and keeps the game going awhile longer.

- Single player has a few good modes. Story, Battles, and S.T.A.R. Labs. Battles tells the a short story of individual characters after beating 10 opponents. S.T.A.R. Labs involves trying to obtain 3 stars by completing tasks during fights.

- The story in story mode is great. Feels like a movie on it's own. The graphics are great and the story/dialogue is as well.

- In terms of mechanics and gameplay graphics, there's little change/improvements from Mortal Kombat which was a 2011 game.

- The story includes same characters from two alternate universe, yet the designs of the same characters are too similar, making it hard to tell them apart sometimes. By having a storyline that involved a parallel universe, the developers were given an opportunity to be creative and explore with designs but did not do so. One character that they did go right with is Nightwing. One is Dick Grayson and has a blue/black outfit while in the alternate reality is Damian Wayne, with long hair and has a red/black outfit.

- Another lazy writing includes Batman's villain cameos that include Two-Face, Killer Croc, Penguin and Scarecrow. All of which look like they've been stolen from the Arkham game series, in terms of how they look.

- The Super Move (also in Mortal Kombat) uses a fully charged meter to execute an unstoppable combo attack. At first looks good, but soon becomes redundant and boring, especially since each character only has one.

- The Clash is where two characters clash in the middle with one winner depending on the power meter. It is another attempt to bring variety to the game but serves little purpose other than being flashy.

- Some S.T.A.R. Labs missions can be redundant and menial. Making it feel more like a parody than a proper game. An example of this is using Catwoman's cat to jump over laser security, avoid guards' flash light and meow 25 times.

- After completing story mode, unlocking the extras will keep you going for a bit. However, unless you're a true fan of fighting games, the game gets old pretty quick.

Overall the game is still good. There's quite a bit of fun in it for the typical gamer. But like I said, it is probably more enjoyable for gamers who are into fighting games than the average gamer.