Injustice, a solid fighting game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Injustice: Gods Among Us X360
A fighting game can get boring quickly if you do not have friends to play it with, and Injustice doesn't do anything to magically change that fact, but what it does is improve a lot of what the fighting genre is known for. Injustice mixes Super Hero's and Villain's and Mortal Kombat fighters in a game. With fun special attacks, the ability to use the arena to your advantage, and a fun story mode to go along with it. Injustice does justice to traditional fighting games.

Although this game is fun to play and improves on a lot of what we already enjoy about the fighting genre, it doesn't bring much new flavor to it other than using the arena help within the fight.

+ Solid fighting game
+ Improved on traditional fighting
+ Fun to play with friends

- Gets boring quickly
- Not much different from other fighting games on the market