This game was not realy as good as it's predeccesor.

User Rating: 3.5 | Iron Man 2 WII
I have Iron Man on the X-Box360, which is fun, and i like to blast bad guys with my uni-beam, and fly around in huge level areas. I picked up this game for my birthday along with a few others, but for Wii, for a different game experience, but this game has poorer graphics than the first, bad controls, cramped level spaces, and minimal flight control. Game play was appealing for about an hour and 45 min. But I got it on sale. So thats good. It's O.K. I guess it is nice. I don't like how you have to switch your weapon to use the uni-beam. But you might enjoy it. Maybe. Depends on how DIE HARD of a fan you are. I kinda like the storyline. I kind of liked it. Although I haven't played it in a while. :) :) :) :) :)

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