Very original in concept and enjoyable action RPG. Not polished enough and rich in game mechanics though.

User Rating: 7 | Jade Empire: Special Edition (PC GAMER) PC
Jade Empire so far, is the first and only RPG of the 3d gaming era which is based in ancient chinese mythology and martial arts, so this makes it unique in concept. It's an action oriented RPG though, based more in combat and dialogue than character development and tons of inventory items to collect or stats to check.

The Good (+)

- Amazing storyline (although kind of boring and cliche at the beginning, if you give it some time to envolve it turns out into a masterpiece).

- Brilliant music, very atmospherical, epic and of course ethnic. Rarely I heard such quality soundtrack in a videogame. Loved the voice acting from start to finish

- You can choose paths in the storyline and change the ending. You can choose the way of the open palm (the noble one), the way of the closed fist (the evil one) or just be neutral. So there are 3 different endings in the game and replay value of course. Also, depending from the path you choose you learn different and unique battle techniques.

- Many combat styles to select. Martial arts, weapon fighting, elemental magic, transformation magic and supportive fighting styles (f.e. you can slow or paralyze your enemy).

- "X-factor" of the game. I mean that there aren't any other martial arts rpgs based in ancient chinese mythology so far.

- Simple but effective inventory/leveling system. The focus here is to play the game and not spend your time with reading stats.

The Bad (-)

- Not so satisfying graphics for a 2007 pc game. They are stylish and colorful but I felt that I was playing a game for PS2.

- I'd like to edit the appearence of my hero and not select premade ones. Just a matter of taste this one though.

- Although you meet many memorable and interesting companions to aid you in your quest, you can only take one with you.

- The combat system is very shallow, not satisfying and impressive at all. Most of the times, button mashing is enough to win. Also, poor animation and limited fighting moves... Huge minus this one.