Anyone out there that longs for the days of old school RTS, or Turn based Strategy games...this is it.

User Rating: 8 | Jagged Alliance: Back in Action PC

I have wondered for years why game developers refused to take proven game recipes, and simply update them for today's gaming rigs. Why do they insist on changing the fundamental mechanics of the games, and really destroying the essence of what made them great titles to start with. I could provide a long list of examples, but one that really sticks out is XCOM. One of my all time favorite games, that actually had a couple of nice follow up games, but what eventually ruined with the last version. If someone simply took that proven formula, and simply shined it up a bit..( new graphics engine, story line etc.) we would buy it, and love it.

I believe Kalypso has done this with JA: back in action. As soon as I got into the merc selection screen, I was taken back to the older JA games. The game mechanics remain for the most part the same, with a few refinements. The graphics are updated, and the story lines are new, yet familiar. I have enjoyed the game a great deal so far, and I'm only a few hours into the game. i hope other developers will follow this trend, and bring us some other great older titles back from the dead. Masters of Orion, Masters of Magic, XCOM, etc. and so on.