Despite its faults, I love this game!

User Rating: 10 | Jagged Alliance: Back in Action PC
NOW READ THIS--the game DOES have faults, it is by no means perfect--but I've played FAR bigger budget games that had far less attention to detail in the environments and gameplay, and most of all--this game is FUN!!!! I LOVED turn-based tactical strategy games--this game is a hybrid pause/real-time system, but it retains the "feel" of the original games and IMO I actually like this system better! X-com and JA/JA2 were my favorite games of all time. I love the RTS adaptation of this game. Many won't, but I'm glad I took the leap of faith and tried it as a long, long time tactical strategy fan. It just feels like the original and is a BLAST to play, even with its bugs (some ammo doesn't match it's real-world counterpart, etc). If you're not a JA elitist, can overlook some minor bugs (the developers have already put out two patches and a large patch is otw), you enjoy tactical squad-based games like x-com/JA you'll enjoy this one as well.