A classic and great cornerstone in video gaming, but not the God like game that I remembered it being.

User Rating: 8.5 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
I'll keep this short. The game although sometimes predictable, is a great game. I personally think the theme and atmosphere is amazing, and so different from the first Jak and Daxter game in the best way. You grow attached and learn to love and hate the characters always evoking strong emotions and fond memories after the game ends. I wish more game developers would take tips from the game and show that a dark city in a sci-fi theme is a fun atmosphere for gamers. However every rose has its thorn, and Jak II has many that stick in your side and twist every time you forget about them. The first thing that I hated was the AI, more times then not it seemed that the motorcycle flying crimson guards are trying to charge you and explode killing themselves. This isn't good AI this is suicidal AI and it ruins those missions where you have to spend most of your time in a car/motorcycle. Granted the hijacking is easy as cake so you wont worry to much about it, but the camera makes sure you don't see those guards that are flaming and determined to explode in your face rather then fire from a tactical position or maybe attack from a safe distance to preserve there life. Or maybe this city is so damn gloom that the guards dont even want to live. And Like I mentioned before you can see most plot points coming a mile away, unless you have the IQ of a 12 year old child. Yes the dark jak addition is awesome but I just wish it showed up more, I feel like I hardly use it. And never have it in the battles I need it in.