I don't see why everyone is satisfied with what is essentially a boss rush

User Rating: 6.5 | Ketsui Death Label: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi DS
Everything that you heard about this Cave shooter is true. It is hard. It is intense. The graphics are gorgeous. It is manic and it follows the Cave shmup formula beautifully. The fact that this the best shmup on DS goes without saying. Of course, the competition isn't really stiff with just both Nanostrays to vie for that title. I haven't tested Geometry Wars yet, so I'll reserve that judgement for later. I am just happy to see this on the DS.

So, what is my beef. While other people are happy to play a boss rush mode, this left me kind of limp. I really wanted to have the complete game with this cart. The boss rush mode should be something you unlock after you beat the game not the whole game in and of itself. Don't get me wrong, all the nine modes will give you a good 2-10 minutes of fast, frenetic action which will leave you wanting for more. The game forces you to get better in order to unlock all modes. It is also good if you want a quick fix. But the lack of an actual game leaves me disappointed. The game was released 6 years ago; I'm pretty sure they could have fit this in a cart.

If this game were like $15-20, I would have been happy. But since Cave decided to charge $50, it's a bit of letdown (import only). Hopefully the XBox 360 version will be the real deal.