Avenging the first Killzone, Killzone 2 as the TRUE Halo Killer IS HERE!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
The first Killzone was all hyped up to be the Halo killer but didn't live up to the standards and left people a bit disappointed BUT I liked the game and decided that I'll surely buy Killzone 2 as the hardware and software capabilities of the PS3 might just do the trick....And guess what....IT DID!!!!
After I bought Killzone 2 along with my PS3 I was LOVED the graphics but was REALLY disappointed with the sluggish controls, poor sensitivity, awkward movement etc. at first but slowly I got USED to it and the game turned out to be BADA$$!!!! From the intense and action-packed singleplayer campaign to the the exciting and fast paced multiplayer, Killzone 2 TOTALLY nailed the feeling of weight and heaviness when carrying BIG guns and LOADS of gear unlike some other WELL known shooters(LOL!!!).... So here's why Killzone 2 is so great and the Halo killer-

1.Story n Presentation-
The story of Killzone 2 is GREAT....the ISA are attacking the Helghast on their planet Helghan and thats more or less IT!!! The story is pretty simple and easy to understand and Killzone 2 also nails the warzone type feeling with bullets flying, people throwing grenades, soldiers dying...EVERYTHING IS GREAT!!!

2.Graphics n Sound-
This is ANOTHER department where Killzone 2 stands out perfectly.... the graphics and sound effects here are PHENOMENAL!!!! From the lighting to the particle effects, grenade explosions, shell ejection, gunshots and the environment, EVERYTHING is PERFECT and really adds to the realism of making you FEEL like a part of the war....


i)Weapons- From standard weapons like the M82 assault rifle, M224 LMG and M4 revolver to Sci-Fi weapons like the Bolt gun and Electric Gun, weapons in Killzone 2 are a BLAST to use....

ii)The controls are where KZ2 lost its perfect score....The controls are a BIT confusing and at first, theres a pretty good chance you'll get frustrated with it but once you get used to it, you'll be taking cover(SP only) SHOOTING THE CRAP OUTTA HELGHASTS like the back of your hand....even though the controls are fine once gotten used to, Guerilla could have tweaked the controls a little to make 'em feel comfortable.

iii)Singleplayer- The campaign in KZ2 is pretty lengthy, say about 8-10 hours, but those 8 hrs. might just be THE BEST 8 hrs. of your LIFE!!!! The campaign is fast, intense and life-like while still maintaining the realistic feel....

iv)Multiplayer- The multiplayer in KZ2 is ALSO great...Its more class based than any of the CoD games where you pick any class, throw in some perks n start your running n gunning. The MP in Killzone 2 has a great variety of game modes and the game mode Warzone chains all of them together which is REALLY GREAT....The MP in KZ2 is exhilarating and intense even without the cover mechanic from the SP....

Killzone 2 is a GREAT game and is a MUST buy for all shooting fans who have a PS3 n people without a PS3 should get 1 and THEN buy this game so they don't lose out on this MASTERPIECE....also, Halo is SOOOOO done for 'cause Killzone 2 finally IS the long awaited HALO KILLER!!!!!
Killzone 2 gets a 9.5/10