Killzone 2 is a great shooter and is one of the best FPSs you'll find on the PS3.

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2 is the sequel to the game that came out on the Playstation 2. The first game got mixed reviews but Killzone 2 manages to be one of the best FPSs you can find on this system.

Gameplay, 9. There are three modes in the game: Campaign, Warzone, and Skirmish. Needless to say the Campaign mode is the single-player mode where you follow along the story fighting the Helghast. You can select your difficuly like in other FPSs. Unlike other shooters the A.I. is more realistic. The enemy won't just aim at you as if there is some invisible target on your head only they can see, instead they they will sometimes not shoot you and aim for your friends (at times you'll have to heal your friends because of this). This makes you truly feel like just another soldier and not some Rambo who has to fight an entire army basically by himself. The A.I. also behaves realistically too such as using blind fire instead of idiotically sticking their head out when the good guys are clearly still firing merely because of timed programming; often they'll just patiently wait for their to be no more fire before trying to shoot you again. The Warzone mode is multiplayer mode for up to 32 players.Therea are tweleve ranks, each taking longer to get then the next. A typical Warzone game involves 7 missions (although you can create custom games) in each game: Bodycount (Team Deathmatch), Capture and Hold (Domination), Search and Retrieve (Capture the Flag), two rounds of Assassination where you will either defend a target or try to kill the target, and Search and Destroy where you'll be setting bombs or defending an objective. There are seven classes in the game: Normal, Medic, Engineer, Tactician, Assualt, Sabotouer, and Scout. The Normal class is just the default class you start with when you play the game; you don't get any special abilities, you just get a large variety of guns to work with. The Medic can heal friends who are mortally wounded and eventually get health packs to heal himself and others (provided they're not dead or mortally wounded of course). The Engineer makes bots and eventually repairs ammo boxes and turrets. The Tactician throws spawn grenades for your allies to come out of to keep the pressure on the enemy faction and eventually can use sentry bots. The Assualt class lets you use power weapons and gives you the ability to boost and has extra health to cause some major damage. The Sabotouer can disguise themselves as the enemy and can eventually lay proximity mines. Last but not least there's the Scout which is basically the sniper who can cloak and eventually spot enemies on the radar for them and their allies. As I said before you can make custom games deciding which classes are allowed, which weapons are allowed, which abilities will be allowed to use, the maps you'll be going to, and what missions you'll be playing and how long they'll be. Skirmish is basically the same thing as Warzone but with computer players and you have all the unlockables, however, for some reason you can only play with up to 16 players.
The Campaign is good. The story sucks but the A.I. is good enough to make up for that. The Warzone mode is excellent. The maps are well designed. The classes are balanced well with the exception of the Scout class. The Skirmish mode doesn't serve much of a purpose other than practice for new players.

Graphics, 10. These are some of the best graphics on the PS3. Look very realistic and there is much detail to the maps.

Sound, 8. The music on the main menu is pretty theatrical and has a Lord of the Rings vibe to it which is nice at first but gets kind of annoying eventually, the rest of the music is decent. The voice acting is all right. The sound effects are great, the sound the guns make when you fire them is awesome.

Value, 10. This game should last you a long time. The Warzone mode offers more than enough replay value to this game, in fact this game's multiplayer lasted me almost a year before I finally got the recently released Killzone 3.

Difficulty, Just Right. You can set the difficulty for the Campaign and Skirmish modes and the game isn't that hard to get a handle on. There is a sluggish feeling to the controls which makes the game seem more realistic, this is something you'll have to get used to if you have spent a lot of time playing shooters like Call of Duty.

Tilt, 9. This is one of my favorite shooters out there this gen. It's hard to recommend this to Call of Duty fans but anybody looking for a realistic feeling shooter should pick up Killzone 2.