Short and disappointing singleplayer, but the entire multiplayer is all that matters.

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Quick Review:
Having a fairly rated predecessor, Killzone 2 may have redeem itself from PS3 gamers with this another chance of sequel. Although I haven't played the said predecessor so I would review this game the way I liked it. Killzone 2 introduces new sets of characters for a new entry point to the entire series while following the story from its predecessor Killzone 1 if ever anyone is familiar with it, the human race was to lead a counter offensive against the hostile planet of Helghan. You take control a soldier name Sev along with 3 men on your squad, to take on the Helghast army, the storyline is really flat like most everyday shooter game and the characters are awfully stale and uninteresting, while there are some sense of history and relationship between characters but this isn't enough to keep players interested on plot, missions are simple, kill Helghast, blow stuff and so on, more to demerit the singleplayer is that its too short, it could simply beaten within 5 hours and would be left out disappointed with an awful cliffhanger in the end.

While KZ 2 is a solid shooting, the entire story couldn't get you interested but atleast the whole killing thing is great, and that matters alot! The entire shooting is compose of like any other modern FPS fomula, aiming down sights, shooting, and taking cover to regenerate. What makes KZ 2 extraordinary is that shooting has a lasting impact on enemies, seeing blood splashes from their bodies are just satisfying for your trigger fingers, each shots feels precise. The FPS cover system is very commendable, although, its rather a hassle having you to hold the triggers to keep you head down, while its available to toggle buttons in multiplayer but it isn't really useful on online firefights. The KZ's controls are rather near broken, sure they are pattern buttons sets to choose on but what's annoying is that even you set sensitivity on high, you can't prevent feeling that the scrolling and aiming is still so slow which leaves tough aiming on close quarters, the control patterns are also poor, it doesn't provide a simple choice like from other shooter games, instead it had to be complicated. Although, even with all the hassle on the controls, KZ 2 delivers a juicy and satisfying shooter. The SixAxis controls could been better though, having it only used on simple task like rolling a valve.

KZ 2's graphics are phenomenal and breathtaking, seeing a great reflection from a sunshine feels so real an natural. Having killing helghast on a dark chaotic environment is just so great, the entire setting urban architecture in the game is just enthralling, the superior animation keeps things fresh from the entire game engine, shooting off Helghast helms are to reveal their bald heads are just something that anyone would just wanna see, shooting enemies on different body parts would result different flinches for animation. The animation also has great effect on the entire environment.

The multiplayers is KZ 2's prized content, supporting up to 32 players competitive online play and the continuous diversing of playstyle and objective keeps the entire game interesting and fun. Having first round a Bodycount mode (Deathmatch) and the second round would be an Assassination, as one team defends their VIP while the other defends and the modes goes on and on until there would be a winner. The lag free connection makes it fun and has a gratifying way to rewards players with a customization class and weapons. To sum it up multiplayer has most of the credits.

The Good:
*Solid shooting mechanics
*Superior animations from simple environment to different enemy flinches
*Awesome, gratifying, and absolute blast multiplayer online play
*Breathtaking graphics along with jawdrop visuals.
*Fresh multiplayer objectives keeps everything fresh for FPS

The Bad:
*Flat storyline with uninteresting and stale characters
*Short singleplayer
*Tarnished controls with awfully slow sensitivity and poor control patterns, SixAxis controls could been better

The Verdict:
Killzone 2 would is a really a great game, I really had a great time on multiplayer, although, single player alone would not be able to satisfy your daily shooter expectations.