Not the best single player, but KZ2 is the best online FPS on PS3.

User Rating: 8 | Killzone 2 PS3

E3 2005, the first time KZ2 was shown... well a CG trailer of it. People thought it was real time but eventually Sony told us it was CG but the game will end up looking the same way if not better... Now KZ2 is out and... it doesn't look as good as the E3 05 trailer. The graphics are great, but not at the same level as the trailer. When the game starts i thought that it might look just as good as the E3 trailer but once i started playing the game i noticed that the first cut scene when you load up the game was also CGI!!! After that the entire game is all real time, even the cut scenes. It all looks great even if some of the levels have a somewhat poor design. Guns look great and character models do too. The single player looks good but i find the multiplayer graphics more impressive for some reason... and this game has 32 player games... wow.

Along with you are 3 other characters and their voice acting ain't very good... they curse a lot. Sometimes its funny cuz they say the F or the S word too many times. Who ever wrote the dialogue for this wasn't very smart. The characters not only have poor voice acting and dialogue but are really lame and dumb. You got Rico who is a straight up ass and actually kills an ISA soldier just cuz he didn't like what he said. Rico sounds more like a thug from the ghetto than a soldier and the other two idiots are just dumb. And why don't any of them wear helmets? There's also this chick who shows up sometimes, she supposed to be the games **** or something. She ok i guess. The only character with good voice acting is the enemy Radec.

The controls in the campaign are pretty bad compared to the multiplayer. Your character turns pretty bad in single player, even with 100% sensitivity, while online i have no problem turning. But even worse is the accuracy of the guns in the campaign.. they are terrible. Why didn't the single player play like in multiplayer? This game is amazing online, recoil, weapons that require skill, weight, ect... amazing game to play online.

There's like 10 missions, which took me like 8 hours to beat first time on Veteran. It's not a very lengthy game but at least there are some extras to find and stuff. And of course the online mode which will probably have you playing for MUCH longer. Online is awesome. It runs ok, but its an online game so there is always some lag. Some very very very rare people lagswitch (cheat), some people must have bad connections cuz they lag a lot, and the rest have normal lag.

There are some flaws online. Some of the weapons like the shotgun (too powerful from medium range), STA14 (can easily kill you way too fast), and rockets (were not meant to kill people, but bots!) all needed to be balanced better. Clan matches are also flawed with suicide in bodycount and speaker camps. Flaws aside the good thing about KZ2 online is custom games, you can play what you want and avoid flaws. For example i can play what i'm good at like a M82 only game with medic or tactician, or what i'm best at, a M4 revolver only medic or assault class game, instead of something i'm not as good at like a sniper only game or a tactician/engineer bot war. Custom games was the key to why this game was so good. Without custom games this game would not have been good.

I played this game for over 1500 hours online. Best multiplayer game on PS3. KZ2 4 life!!!