This game is not a Halo 1 killer, however it is a super fabulous fps, with an awesome story....

User Rating: 8.6 | Killzone PS2
This game is not a Halo 1 killer, however it is a super fabulous fps, with an awesome story....

Graphics don't make a game, but they help in Killzone. Overall, this game has better graphics than Halo 2! That is my opinion. I have the XBOX so I can play Halo and Halo 2. I have to say the only reason I played Halo 2's story mode was to have the dual wielding of weapons. Anyway time to quit going off on a tangent so here goes folks......

The best way to describe Killzone is to be fair and honest so here is my personal assessment.

The sound in this game is great! The first level is amazing with the constant sounds of gunshots and explosions in every direction. If you have speakers, use them! Surround sound for everyone yippee!

It is all about attention to detail. Sorry, not as great as seeing the sun reflect off of sand like in Far Cry Instincts but in general, the levels and the characters and all the detail in the weapons is done well.

The gameplay is pretty fun in this game. The constant fighting keeps things going. Here is the bonus *** The multiplayer - you can fight the AI instead of just friends. *** The AI is very very adaptive. No schluffing off here guys.

When I bought this game, it was only $18.00. When I see Halo 2 regular release still at $29.99 after its been out for over a year, I see that Killzone has very good value. After all the game is not inferior, it is just different.

Overall, this game is just plain fun, and it is a unique game. I recommend it to anyone who likes FPS's. This game has it's own flavor and stands alone as a great game.