Compared to other Kinect titles and other virtual world games it's pretty amazing!

User Rating: 7.5 | Kinect: Disneyland Adventures X360
I have read a lot of reviews of this game. People are frustrated by the difficulty of the Kinect tracking and stability. It is true that many times while playing the Kinect would react weirdly to my movement or lose me all together. This is a minor annoyance but does not take away from overall enjoyment of this game.

I'll start by saying I am bias because I really love Disneyland and especially Disney World. This game for shear aesthetics is simply mind blowing. They have captured the Anaheim park to the finest detail. Something people have been trying to do ever since Roller-coaster tycoon hit the market. Walking around the virtual park sparked feelings of actually being there. I even stood next to the exact table need Thunder mountain where I had an enchilada lunch.

As for the gameplay, there is an element of tedium that makes for some sore arms and frustrated legs. You will be dodging a lot and sometimes it seems no matter what you do you can'y avoid obstacles. It is a bother but in the end the journey out ways the latter. There are endless side quests and fun things to try such as conducting a street Jazz band.

I gave the game a 7.5 because of a few reasons. I really think they should have added controller support for walking around the park. My arm got tired quick and making the virtual me turn in tight spots was somewhat angering. I also found it a bit unpleasant at the speed the avatar moves but the game does add fast pass options for direct travel.

I think anyone who loves Disney or has kids should definitely buy this game. My kids loved dancing with the princesses, getting Poohs autograph and especially giving Mickey a hug. Daddy enjoyed visiting the park without paying the entrance fee. Oh and by the way, punching items in the game almost mirrors true disney prices. :) Everyone needs a Stitch Hat!