The terrible combat, and unorganized plot in this game took some effort to achieve.

User Rating: 3 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
I don't know what happened with this game before it came out. I don't know who they hired to write the mess that this game has. But Kingdom Hearts II is a prety bad game overall.

Pressing X over the majority of the game barely requiring magic, and according to some, none at all limits the variety in gameplay. While there are moves and powers you can unlock, and equip, most of the game is high repetition. The game is almost literally constant spamming, and the throwing around of hih HP enemies has some battles drag on and on and on.

While there are some stories with some of the Disney characters that are ok, the overall story is a confusing mess with no real explaination to anything doubling the plot holes of the first game, and giving us linear and low variety gameplay.

Each of the worlds you go to is explored by the gummi ship, you must open doors to gain access to all the eventual worlds in the map. Which are done with bland and boring rail shooting sections.

Enemies and you each have bad hit detection usually in the enemies favor. Bosses are usually tedious with high HP gauges and having attacks that way over power yours making for a bad experience.

There are items within the game to find, some very nicely detailed worlds to explore, and the graphics are decent by PS2 standards with some nicely animated CGI cutscenes.

The controls are clunky, walking around even sounds clunky, controlling the camera is a nightmare. Having control of movement while fighting and attacking the enemy YOU WANT TO or the WAY YOU want to is near impossible throughout the game.

Most of the upgrades are actually not helpful or barely provide benefit during the game. There are some very helpful ones (Fighting with mickeymouse when your character loses than after dealing some damage reviving them? That's cool) but most are rather arbitrary.

The dialogue is pretty uninspired and badly written. A lot of the characters try to hard to be written like jokes it seems, as this game very barely tries to take itself seriously. The game is a mess.

For people that like just SquareEnix in general, I would have a hard time recommending, however, the game might be good for Final Fantasy 8 fans that like repetitive job-like gaming without much fun and backtracking since this game is almost just as bad.