Fair enough but wished they could make a kh game where you continue as sora from KH2

User Rating: 7.5 | Kingdom Hearts Re:coded DS
A KH game with not much fuss unlike BBS. gameplay: great enough but wished they sign a contract with Disney to continue the game series on PS3, cause i realy wanna play the series on my PS3. might be because i finished all the games(exept Final Mix 1 & 2) on the hardest dificulty and i want show of to others. Wish they would stop making KH games where you have to go trough the KH1 scenario, yes its your most sold game of the series but i want to continue as Sora and the others from KH2. the game felt like a Mix up between of ReCOM and BBS in fighting style. a littledisapointing, consider 358/2 days which did amazingly good for DS. The game get 7.5/10 i might given it a little extra consider im a fan of the series

If anyone have sugestion for any good games send me a message
,Consoles:PS3,PSP,PS2 & NDS ,