Great for KH fans, but WHEN are we going to get a current Gen console version.

User Rating: 7.5 | Kingdom Hearts Re:coded DS
I always eagerly await each new installment of Kingdom Hearts.
Though I enjoyed Birth by Sleep I felt is was trying to give us more Sora with the Ventus character without actually giving us anything new with Sora.
I'm happy that a new Sora story is out, but PLEEEEZE, KH is a VERY successful franchise so WHY hasn't it been given a PS3 game after so many years. It's long overdue.
The gameplay in this DS version is fantastic and really pushes the limit of the handheld -- so why make a very good game on such a limited platform. This really needed to be on an HD console with a bigger story. I really want to see how well the KH can be rendered on a current gen console (excepting the Wii).
Story and characterizations are great as usual, but there is a lot of needless "busy work" to stretch the game out.
The limited memory of the DS means environments are relatively small and simple (they were kind of small in Birth by Sleep on the PSP, but this is ridiculous).
I'm hoping the KH will finally get its due on the big consoles and I would be one of the first in line to buy a full bown console version of a new Sora-oriented KH adventure.
In the meantime, i recommend this game to all KH fans just because I know we've all missed Sora's adventures, but I think Square-Enix need to give us a whole lot more very soon!