Kingdom hearts well it speaks for itself

User Rating: 8.5 | Kingdom Hearts Re:coded DS
okay this game is not fluid, its quite glitchy, and the controls can get frustrating non the less even with all these faults it has something about it that you cant stop loving, i'm not really sure what it is, could be the nostalgic atmosphere of kingdom hearts 1, but strangely enough there is something very very fun about it, and after playing the first couple of hours i couldn't stop myself i had to finish it, then i went on playing all night, while i'm eating, in university lectures, its quite absurd but the fact is that this game was really quite fun and the story is interesting a lot more cutscenes then days, and considering it was a mobile phone game wow is all i have to say to be honest. I mean yes since they put it on the DS its supposed to have changed completely but thats the beauty it hasn't but its still hugely fun. The leveling up mechanism is quite unique although i would honestly prefer to level up automatically from experience points, but this way allows you to take on different roles and is quite similar in some ways to Final fantasies crystallize thing on 13 and its quite nice to see. well as far as the story goes, it doesn't fill in the gap that we want its almost as if, your waiting on a ledge, and instead of them building the bridge there covering the pot holes on the road already walked, and this is annoying most of the fans, especially since they keep blaming versus, which has been in production for 5 years now, and if there going to keep shutting me up all these side stories i'm sorry square enix but i'm no longer going to be interested, they have to understand that there customers are growing up and how many people would want to play with donald and mickey when there 25 i know i am no longer as enthusiastic about this game as i first used to be and there really dragging it hopefully we will see a 2012 release but i doubt it, at earliest 2013 there is usually a year gap between the japanese release and the NA one, and neither one has been announced now the gap for this game might not be so big, but were still going to have wait atleast another 5 months after AFTER the release of the japanese game which god knows when is going to be started. well enough of my complaining re:coded is a good game and if your a kingdom hearts fan is a must buy otherwise stick to the ps2 versions, or maybe BBS.