Only played the demo, so far.

User Rating: 5.5 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PS3
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.... a game that i expected to be like GOW. So far, i have only played the demo. a good chance to test it out and see if it was something for me or not. After the first troll, after he was defeated, a qlitch happened and i was stuck. so more then then ive not had chance to do, but then again, i am not sure how long the demo really is.

It might not be GOW, but it is not half bad.
it is kinda like Kratos, but has RPG moments as to your "weapons and things".

what i like about this game is the fact that you can make your own look, you can choose to be human or some kind of god. i picked human, because i feelt that was much more fun. and hey. it was just a demo. And as always i tried making him look as close to myself as possible. you are even able to pick a name.

I dont want to be a "repeat" but this game is what both "Rise of the Araugnauts" could have been. well " R Of A" would have been ablot better if it been like this.

But still, this game has NO candle to Kratos and thus. is just an OK game.
I will give it a better chance once the price is right. I will not rate it until i have played it more. but until that time, i will leave it at 5,5 rating.
and ONLY because i had to make a rating.

*i will continue this review, when i played the full game.*