Kirby is back and is cuter than ever with a few flaws.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby's Epic Yarn WII

My 54th review after Sonic and the Secret Rings.

When I played this game at GameStop, of course, it looks like a really cute and good game. Kirby is now line art, yarn style. You can play two players, and check out the amazing transformations like become a saucer and a dolphin and new abilities like become a parachute, whip yarn, roll up yarn and throw ball of yarn. This game is gonna get an A--! Here's the results:

Game-play 7/10: The only bad thing about it is the story levels are way too easy and there is no way to lose a life like the classics.

Graphics 10/10: Awww, so very cute and adorable!

Controls 7/10: Precisely good!

Sound/Music 8/10: Slightly impressive!

Lasting Appeal 9/10: Can be the cutest Kirby game but with a few flaws.

Overall, Kirby's Epic Yarn is cute but not so great.

The Good:

-Cute animation and graphics

-Only fun for younger gamers

-Fun transformations

The Bad:

-No remaining lives like the classics so might as well find something else

-Too easy

This is one of the reasons why the Kirby series are easy to beat. This could've have been like the classics, but hard to beat. That is why I like harder games like Mario, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, any other game series like that better. But still, Kirby is a cute character nevertheless. That's the end of my review. Good day everyone!

Kirby's Epic Yarn gets a 9 out of 10!
