Awesome game! One of a kind! Tons of bang for the buck!

User Rating: 9.5 | L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition PC
I really hope Rockstar decides to create more games like this. It's quite unique in its genre and class. With me, Rockstar is famous for building games that are high on storytelling & character development but low on technology and stability. But, after finding a way of forcing some decent AA in this game (Damn you Rockstar, when will you learn that jaggies KILL graphics), the game looks really really good. Unfortunately, the game still crashed quite often on me, the only reason to deduct half a point.

This type of game may not be for everybody but I absolutely loved every minute of it! And boy, if you get the complete edition, do you get a lot of minutes! I was astounded at how the game just kept going on and on and how much money's worth you will get out of it. It doesn't become tedious either, the game plot is intruiging and will keep you immersed throughout.

All in all, and excellent game. Great storytelling. Good characters. Good (after tinkering) graphics. Lots of content. Highly recommend this game to anyone intruiged by the premise of playing a detective in the 1940's of Los Angeles.