a good game ..... but something is missing ...i suppose " The Rockstar Charm "

User Rating: 8 | L.A. Noire PS3
LA NOIRE Is a very interesting game . it has a great story but you cant connect to it because it is told in stretches . and i personally didnt like the protagonist COLE PHELPS . the other protagonist is better than him . the game has some great moments . action arrives in bits and pieces . its more of a drama....gameplay is fine .... dont expect RDR or GTA like stuff ... the ending doesnt justify the story....interogations are very interestng....its a innovative stuff....it has a lenghty campaign mode..the graphics are top notch....and the voice acting is flawless...no multiplayer is there..the free roam mode is soulless.......a good game .... but something is missing ...i suppose " The Rockstar Charm "...

story- 8.0
graphics- 9.0