Cing has (once again) created a masterpiece.

User Rating: 9.5 | Last Window: Mayonaka no Yakusoku DS
Last Window is, in one word, perfect.

You start out in Cape West Apartments with nothing much to do. The story starts out slowly and proceeds at a slow pace for the first couple of chapters, but don't get me wrong, this is by no means a down side. The last 4 or 5 chapters are much more intense, but both parts are equally enjoyable.
The game once again has some excellent dialogue, which is always entertaining. Even listening to Kyle comment on a chair or a lamp can be fun.
The game provides you with some very ingenious puzzles during the whole game, which are more challenging and rewarding than the ones in Hotel Dusk, although they appear less frequently.
The artwork looks much better too. The facial expressions and animations of the characters look great and so does the whole hotel, in it's meticulous detail. All of it is accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack of over 40 unique tracks.

The main new feature of the game is the novel. I found the main novel to be very helpful because it helped me remember past events more easily later on in the game when the story becomes complicated. It also adds some extra insight into Kyle's thoughts every once in a while which you don't get in-game.
But the real heart of the novel are the classified files. I highly recommend not opening any of them until you finish the game if you want to unlock the Epilogue, which you can't miss. Anyway, the files provide a lot of insight into the characters' pasts, and they're really enjoyable.

If you get the most out of this game and take your time to enjoy it in all it's beauty, then you'll love it, regardless of if you like the genre or not. This deserves to be in everyone's collection, and it deserves to be a best-seller. It is a masterpiece, and with where games are heading nowadays, I know there'll never be anything like it ever again. So go give Cing some credit and buy the game now!