Big dissapointment and only worth playing to finish the storyline. The voice acting extras are also enjoyable.

User Rating: 6 | Legacy of Kain: Defiance XBOX
The first Soul Reaver was a fantastic game. You were immersed in a dark world dominated by vampire type creatures and vampire hunters. It had innovative combat mechanics, you could pull spears off walls and skewer an enemy if he hadn't seen you coming. Magic spells would incinerate enemies around you. Boss's were memorable and each was different, forcing you to use your entire arsenal of attacks. Topped off with a fantastic story and superb voice acting it was a game not to be missed. Soul Reaver 2 dumbed down the combat a bit but it still had the sprawling environment with diverse enemies, deep story and fantastic voice acting. Now to the game at hand Legacy of Kain:defiance. The combat went from dumbed down to non existent, you are forced to fight all enemies with the same combo accomplished by hitting one button. All of your magic attacks are gone except a projectile fired from the reaver and a semi amusing telekinetic attack. The environments and enemies are recycled over and over making combat very stale. All that remains of this once great series is the good story and excellent voice acting. I give it an extra point for the voice sessions extra after completing the game, I actually enjoyed that part. All said and done don't bother with this game unless you played 1 and 2 and want to see how it ends.