Unfortunately the psp version suffers from long load times and frustarating glitches that fractures the experience.

User Rating: 5.5 | LEGO Batman: The Videogame PSP
The good: has alot to collect.funny humor

The bad: completely ditches multiplayer. Some frustrating level restart bugs. looooong load times. annoying puzzles. dimwitted ai. not quite as fun on the small screen.Buggy,glitchy,and ugly graphics.repetitive combat.some attemt at jokes fall flat.

While, the xbox360 and Playstation 3 versions of lego batman was an enjoyable game. The PSP versions is a totally different story.

The Game starts of with a devasting 1-2 minute load time (oh trust me theres many more to come my friend.)honestly (what i thought at first) i said "hey its a tough price to pay to play a game i enjoyed"

But i was terribly wrong, just so, so, so, wrong!

During play i experienced buggy,glitchy,and ugly graphics,the loooong load times i mentioned above, some rare crashing bugs, and the ultimately the frustrating level restarting bug (though boss walked through one door and couldnt get through the other.)add that with the problems that was on the consoles (repetitive combat,dumb partner ai, dully pointed out puzzles, and annoying vehicle controls)and the ditched multiplayer and your given a game thats a total letdown.

The combat feels worser here. you still mash on the Square button constantly and your dimwitted ai partner still loses 2/5 of the time. puzzles dont deliever the same feeling of solving something difficult.really the only thing i could say is rewarding is all the collectables and the funny cutscenes (remember they are not always funny).but i still had to look at the oh so broken graphic system. Every thing looked so bland and low res, framerate was so low that it can cause a couple of game crashing bugs,lightning and particle effects feel rushed. add that with a couple of glitches and bugs and you get a game you can barely look at with a smile.

honestly i cant say much more about this version of lego batman. To me, this is only a thing to fall back on if i cant play the 360 or ps3. But otherwise stay away from lego batman on psp and get it on consoles. or better yet get any other lego game on psp, chances are they are less buggy then this "game"