Lego Indiana Jones is a game that everyone can enjoy.

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures PC
3 years have passed since traveller's tales and Lucas arts released Lego star wars,and the improvement's they have made are pretty good. The first thing that I realized was the enhanced graphics. The graphics in Lego Indiana Jones have been really stepped up, compered to the Lego star wars predecessor. The background is what shines. They have managed to create a game with those shiny Lego blocks but with a beautiful background within the scene. It is a Lego game so there is still the formula of jumping, breaking blocks, and doing those fun puzzles we all love. So the game play hasn't changed much, but with a new theme (Indiana Jones series) there will be 3 short story's to be hold. The Indiana Jones universe brings new characters, items, and levels. There are 85 new characters and all very interesting and unique within there own way. The cool thing is that some of these characters have phobias. Take Indy for example, he has a phobia of snakes and when he's around them he walks slowly. These phobias are a great addition in the game play of the Lego universe. Although those light sabers aren't in this game, but Lego Indiana Jones have a share of some of those unique items, like Indy's whip, pistols, and sub machine guns. The level design does come from the movies, but each level has it's own twist. The only thing that i was really disappointed about was the stupidity of the AI partner. You would think that after 3 years they would have fixed this problem. The annoying thing about the friendly AI is that they don't even help you do the most simplest things like pulling a god damn trigger. But all in all Lego Indiana Jones is a great game although it is more on the easy side, the game has been really stepped up. It is probably the best Lego game yet.