The best in the lego series.

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game 3DS
As far as lego games go, this is great. It has the same music as in the films, the graphics are good, and the 3D effect is great, though often isn't present in cutscenes. You can play as different characters from the films, each with their various own abilities. The game takes you through the four films, each consisting of four levels. These contain puzzles that require specific characters to use their unique abilities. The puzzles are mostly great fun, challenging, and rarely get old. As well as this, there are enemy fights, but they are far too easy as if you die you respawn on the spot, just lose some coins. Also there are special duels against key characters, but they just require you to mash particular buttons and grow stale very quickly. Luckily, the game isn't a breeze, because the puzzles are challenging. It is over quickly though. On top of the main game, there is a streetpass duel mode, but I've already mentioned that duels get old quickly. Thankfully, there's a co-op mode as well.