Good for a laugh, but can get repetitive.

User Rating: 6.5 | Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude PC
Ok so this game is not the best, but the things that it lacks in game play and diversity are certainly made up for in comedy and story. To be honest you probably won't want to play this game through another time but the one time you play will have you laughing at wacky predicaments in which you can get Larry.
The puzzle start of as being quite fun and are amusing a few times through with different characters that you compete against but after a while they all become monotonous and a bit pointless, the fact you can skip challenges means you spend the second half of the game skipping through the challenges to the funny parts.
Probably not a game I would rush out and buy for full price but if you can get it cheap it is definitely worth it for the fun factor, and the you get to see some boobies even if they are animation !!!