My opinion of Life Is Strange

User Rating: 10 | Life is Strange PC

SO, I just started playing the game yesterday. The first seconds of the game I was like, "uhhh why is a tornado?" CUZ SERIOUSLY.. I NEVER WATCHED ANY WALKTHROUGHS OR EVEN READ ANY GAME REVIEWS ABOUT. LIKE 0% NO KNOWLEDGE HOW THE GAME GOES ON. well duh i know how the game play goes.

like. the sound tracks they play on the Hi-Fi is just ooh~~ so~~ relaxing so does the bgm. the athmostphere is great. I never been in USA but I have to admit I kinda felt the forest. I felt how chilly the place how you can like literally feel the nature. It's great.

as those girls Chloe and Max y'know... like.... how they be rebels and being free is just telling me that to live life to the fullest and also they game kinda tells us to be careful in deciding shit in our lives. I just love how all the characters are open to one another, even that's for a good thing or bad. the problem is they are too open even kate's embarrassing video got viral. RIP KATE SORRY.

how did LIS took my interest?

first, I was intruded by how cool Chloe is. yes, I have thing for boyish girl and if you pair it up to polar opposite of her. it's a combination. Yes, I ship them. Kinda canon? I hope. I just started at the final ep so I'm still not sure about the next future events of the game. Don't spoil pls tnx

secondly, when I saw most of the scenery of the game. It's kinda interesting so I downloaded the CH1 in steam for free, it was actually good. I like how the student are freely to do what they want without any regrets even their conduct is affected. it just sucks at my school that if we get disiplinary actions we're toast for life because it will affect our grades. does all school like that? i hope not :/

then lastly, when I played chapter one. I got attached to both chloe and max also curious about this rachel girl who is missing, but ****. what happened to her is just sad. RIP RACHEL. I am also amazed by Max's powers of course. she's basically like the girl who can leap time! really cool! everyone would want to rewind just once in their life time their biggest mistakes in life which would be cool. The only thing the disadvantage Max gives me is when I make this... let's say unpleasing decision for Max she would tell herself that. "Oh no! What have I done?" the typically goody girl thought will make you think again that if you really did your decision right. But Max is really cute tbh and Chloe is just the best! She's tough and all but really is soft with Max <3 BFFGOALS HAHAHA

any ways, I gave the game 10/10

for the nice story, characters that made me so attached that I cried, the music is just *eargasm*, and also the beautiful scenery of Arcadia Bay