-= It's all about game design =-

User Rating: 9.5 | LIMBO X360
Great game. Short but it is how the designer wanted it. People who invested money into the game wanted the creators to make the game longer but the designers wanted it to be about 2-3 hours to finish. It's supposed to be well savored like a fine desert. They went for the quality of the game and not the quantity of puzzles and game contents. The game is black and white. They didn't even spend lots of money on graphics, but this was intentional. It was to bring a mood to the game which is dark and you feel an emptiness. All I have to say is that the creators made all the right decisions when creating the game. I haven't seen any other game that could pull off being short and with black and white graphics and be a success. They creators could even buy themselves back from the investors from the success of the game. The game is really cheap and bring a sense of accomplishment after your done playing it. A buy for sure.