If you didn't get the first, get this one. If you grew tired of the first, LBP2 may not be worth your time.

User Rating: 7 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
Having loved the first LittleBigPlanet and then now playing the second brings a lot of inspiration for me to actually make more levels again. The mechanics look a lot more fun and the atmosphere and music make everything kind just bounce off the wall. Things that were accomplished so well in the first are improved and those mechanics that weren't able to happen are now able. Just everything in LBP2 is bigger, better, and just feels more alive.

Like I really didn't know that improvements were made this much on the LBP formula, and to see it just kind of makes me want to create again. I mean that's the main object of LBP's campaign, to give the player ideas on how to make your levels and introduce the mechanics in a subtle way. Thoughts have been spinning in my head for a while now and thanks to LBP2's story I really want to get back to it. I mean the campaign itself made rather little sense compared to the first, but at least it was humorous. It showcased all the different types of levels you can make now and made it simple to understand by throwing you in them. The tutorials that the game has are also made just a little clearer for those that are just getting started at creating and don't know how everything works. While those that have already been in the line of fire now have a bunch of really cool tools to play with. Just seeing all these new tools means that there will be a lot more awesome to be had, and considering how many years I missed out on this one? Well, let's just say that I probably need to dive into the community levels first before trying my hand at level making in LBP2.

That said, LBP2 does have some requirements that make it an odd duck to shallow. Pretty much the whole games premise is to create and while there are a bunch of people that like the idea doesn't mean they can actual make such an idea. LBP just requires so much of your time to get things right and unless you really have a spark going for you, things aren't going to end up well, let's just say that. And while I do understand that creative ideas can still be loved by those that haven't got the talent, there really is only so much love one can give to a community. At some point things get stale and you kind drop out of the LBP mood and want a game that has its mechanics set at one thing. It's natural that LBP can't be great at everything, and being a jack of all trades is by no means bad, but when you go and try to imitate other games, like a lot of LBP levels do, something just falls short. Really the fun is had when people with rather original ideas for a level make something and gives it time and energy to make it work well. So if you aren't making the time to make a new level you may be making the time to play a great level. Either way, LBP2 certainly requires a lot of your time. Also what's with it constantly asking me if people want to join me? Leave me alone; I'm a lone wolf, that's gots their own way to collect bubbles!

Final Thoughts:
Little Big Planet 2's new additions to the LBP universe give even more to learn, play, and create with alongside more polish than the original could've ever provided. But in the long run, Little Big Planet is what you make of it, and requires a lot of time to really get to the meat of it all, but if you're looking at just the story it's still a fun little experience.