LittleBigPlanet 2 is much better than the original in storyline, customisation tools and making levels!!!!

User Rating: 9 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
Introduction: Sackboy has returned and is better than ever now that LittleBigPlanet is in store shelves. This game is better than the original becase they improve small things and in new things, and thats something that sequels don't do. It doesn't matter if your into sport games, shooters or RPG's because you have the oppurtunity to make levels on these types of games. Thats why this game is for every gamer and anyone who has a PS3 has to get this.

Storyline: The story is much better than the first games. For one the story makes a lot more sense and they have made a storyline which has humour and doesn't take itself to seriously but thats why its so good. Sure its a little childish but that doesn't take away the fact the story and the levels you play in this game are really fun. LittleBigPlanet is being attacked by the negativatron and its up to you and your new friends to help you out. Through this you meet funny characters along the way which help you through things which you may be having problems with. The levels though aren't very challenging at all and it took be less than a day to complete the story, but it will take a long time to actually find the stickers and objects along the way. Plus playing Co-Op is far more fun and in some levels there are certain things which you have to use more than one person to do. This story is much more fun and interesting than the last games. It uses the new gaming mechanicsa well and shows that sackboy always has an adventure wherever he goes.

Multiplayer: Multiplayer has always been a big part of LittleBigPlanet. The first game had over 3 million levels created and the community continues to grow every second of evryday. Thats how big this game is. This year they have made it easier to find specific levels you want to play by make having easier layout of levels and also picking specific things you want in a game for e.g. you can pick games which are cinematic or simply survival games. They really wanted people to play the levels they want to play and for people to avoid playing bad levels, but because the creation tools are so good most levels this year are actually really good. There are however problems. Firstly connection is quite bad and when you want to someone to go to your pod a lot of the time they will lose connection which is really annoying, also in levels cameras are put in an angle where you can't really tell whose who, but this still doesn't put me off this great multiplayer expirence.

Overall: This game is so much better than the first. Its the content they have put in and the way they promote these new tools which make this game very unique and probably the best game in the Play, Create, Share franchise. Im giving this game an 9/10. Well done Media Molecule. You have once again made a great Platforming game which people will be playing for a long, long time!