Endless fun to be had online and so much better than the original!

User Rating: 9 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
LittleBigPlanet 2, like its predecessor, is a great game which is sorely lacking in the single player campaign department. For example it's very short, you could complete it in a matter of hours, and while the levels are fun to play they are by no means challenging…..if anything I'd say they were easier than the levels from the original LBP, and while the story and supporting characters were a little more entertaining than the original it's still nothing to rave about. The graphics are also the same as LBP but I have to admit that I'm glad they kept it that way because for me that was one of the most charming things about the original and I think it would have ruined it if they had messed about too much with the graphics. However what LBP lacked in single player it more than made up for in the multiplayer and creativity department and LBP2 is no exception….if anything it's even more so for this amazing sequel!

The single player in LBP2 does benefit from some innovative new puzzles as well as some rather fun new tools which are at your disposal; there are robot dogs, camels and rabbits and even flying levels where you ride a bee that shoots beams…..that's right a laser firing bee! Then there's the LBP favourite, the paintenator but with an added twist……you can get versions of this weapon which shoot water, fire, electricity and even cake!! Of course the best part about the single player is the fact that it can be played with up to 4 people both on and off-line, so this game is definitely best enjoyed with friends rather than on your own.

The level creator is just as massive as on the original game but LBP2 expands on the side scrolling levels which you could create before and allows the creation of levels which have a view from above such as racing games plus first person shooters, 2D fighting games and even some basketball games. So when you go online to look at the community levels there really is something for everyone and they are great fun to play with friends both on and off-line. Alongside the expansion in the kind of levels you can create there is also the added fun of being able to program your own sackbots to do various different actions, everything from following or attacking you with a weapon once you enter their sensor radius to running away from you. Now I have to confess I'm not the most creative guy so I didn't spend a lot of time creating levels but from what I did experience I realised that with the number of possible combinations of the various types of levels plus the wide variety of things you can put in it and make sackbots do, the possibilities are truly endless. Obviously some levels online are better than others but it's amazing to see how creative some people can get and just how much stuff the makers of LBP2 have managed to fit into one game. Hours and hours of fun can be had with the community levels alone which is just as well since the single player is so short.

Overall there is no doubt that LBP2 is the one of the best multiplayer games of 2011 and if you're looking for a game with charmingly simple controls, hours of great multiplayer levels and endless creation possibilities then I can't recommend this game enough.