The game is great nothing wrong with it :) every month a new DLC And maybe broke all the scores of games

User Rating: 10 | LittleBigPlanet 2 PS3
this game has a lot of things to say like in the create mode you can make anything you want..ANYTHING! that's what make it special and good thing from media molecule to Make the special levels been as been inside a pink circle called: Mm pick/media molecule pick..

and it have it own lobby new by new...and cool levels new by new...and the costumes from another games like sonic and marvel and muppets so that's why it's amazing game..

so i tell everyone to pick it as the VGA Game awards and other games competitions :)

and make a lot of people to buy it :)

and this game special with logic and materials and things from real life like golf bal or LED Lights and sackboy skins and costumes are very lot so it's special

and the move pack broke turned the game to better and better like drawing or using move to control