Lords of The Fallen - a fun game but nothing special

User Rating: 6 | Lords of the Fallen (2014) PC

I have to say the theme and attitude in the game is near to what I was hoping for with Dark Souls 2. Of course I would have expected a much more complicated and intelligent design in all areas from FROM. Lords of The Fallen is a very simple button mashing action game. They do it in a fun way though that makes it very playable over and over again. There is quite a bit of loot to choose from though most armors are fairly similar aesthetically. And though there are also lots of different sizes and styles of weapons, there wasn't anything "special" about any of them like some of the special items I had found and created in games like Dark Souls.

Some bad things:

  • sometimes commands(key\button presses) are totally ignored by the game even though energy\magic is full.
  • some direct hits are total misses even though enemies have not dodged. it feels like some animations just don't interact during combat even if they are directly making contact with the enemies body.
  • sometimes checkpoints won't work. with full crystals and no enemies anywhere near them they just do not activate.
  • even with high strength and endurance many weapons are just unrealistically slow. like they put a little too much into the gravity aspect of heavy items. it doesn't appear very natural in Lords of The Fallen, just like slow-motion animations. i know it's another thing a lot of people loved in Dark Souls, but here it is pushed a little too far.
  • the camera reminds me of Dragon Age 2. when near a wall, pillar, or anything static the camera is shoved into very awkward positions with terrible views making combat impossible while positioned there.

I would recommend playing it but I wouldn't recommend paying over $15 for the original retail or $20 for a bundled package.