The demo got me to rent it. Glad I rented it instead of buying it.

User Rating: 6 | Lost Planet 2 X360
This game looks pretty and beautiful and all. It is made by Capcom. The gameplay is usually fun but gets boring and a little repetitive after awhile. The variety of guns isn't the greatest but satisfying enough for me. I love killing people and watching my body tumble around when I die. Very funny sometimes and can lift a bad mood from frustration a little bit. Yes, this game does get frustrating. Constantly getting blown up by enemy rockets then by the time you manage to get yourself up and squeeze the trigger for a tenth of a second you get blown up again. This can get to controller smashingly frustrating levels. The splitscreen co-op isn't too much better either. The best part is the boss battles. And even these can get boring and frustrating. Don't let the demo trick you into buying the game.