Lost Planet 2 is an excellent coop experience. Kill big or go home and be a family man or woman.

User Rating: 9.5 | Lost Planet 2 PS3
I am a big fan of coop games, so I had to play this game. Fighting monsters the size of godzilla with friends/others is always a treat to be had.

The graphics of this game is impressive. The stages are not linear at all; because you can use your grappling hook to reach many different vintage points. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the environments.

The story is about a group of snow pirates who are simply trying to survive by collecting thermal energy and taking on missions to ensure farther success. It seems someone is trying the disrupt the success of a special group of snow pirates for.....I will stop there. People hate spoilers; therefore I will stop there. I haven't finished the game, but I played enough of the story to do a review about this game. The nice thing about the story mode is the fact that you can play the entire story with three other friends. There is not many games out there that allow four players to take on its story mode.

The gameplay is decent. You can run, use mech suits called VS, use a grappling hook to reach higher altitudes or temporarily attach yourself to weaker beasts into order to maximize damage with shotguns, and use the grappling hook to hang off ledges to launch an assault. There are plenty of powerful weapons to find and use. The A.I. is also pretty tough, because enemies are everywhere and they don't sit around in one spot waiting to die. Human enemies are also fun to fight, because they use the same weapons and gadgets you can use.

The VS mechs are really cool, because you can use them in so many ways. For example, one VS has a very useful jumping ability. There is a VS that focuses on speed. There is a VS that has two gun seats two other people can board. Damaged VS mechs can be partially repaired by you and your team. And you can your team can attach different heavy weapons onto the VS mechs. Another cool thing you can do is carry and use heavy mech gun without the mech; however some attributes or abilities maybe reduced.

The game also has a customization feature that allow players to change the appearance and abilities of their character by leveling up. You can get items by collecting mystery boxes there appear after you defeat enemies. So there is a little rpg as well.

The highlight of the game is fighting large monsters, which is excellent. The monsters are super huge and over powering. You have to find and destroy the weak spots of the beasts in order to bring them down. Breaking the beasts down is really cool, because the beasts will stubble, fall over, and break apart after every successful barrage.

Plenty to do. You can play the story with 3 others online and there are different multiplayer modes to enjoy. I haven't played the other multiplayer modes yet; however I am sure the multiplayer modes is just as engaging as the online story mode. I will update this area when I try the other online modes out.

Final thoughts:
This is a great game if you are looking to have monster killing fun with three other friends. I feel the ability to play the entire story with three others is the coolest part of this game. There is a bit of depth in the gameplay and I didn't notice any annoying glitches. I didn't find any negatives about this game yet; which is a good thing. My only comment at this time is that I wish the grappling hook had more range.

This game deserves a much better review score from Gamespot in my opinion; therefore....

I will give this game a well deserved 9.5 out of 10.