What it lacks in length, it makes up with innovative fun, and a stunning presentation

User Rating: 8.5 | LostWinds WII
Gamespot deserves a digital slap in the face. I urge you to look at some other reviews, because there is simply no denying the quality and fun of LostWinds. Gamespot must've been in a particularly nasty mood when they reviewed this game. I have my gripes, but for $10 there's really no reason not to download it.

LostWinds stands out as making some of the best use of the Wii Remote in any other Wii Game. Controling the wind with the Wii Pointer is not only a great concept, but it's executed almost flawlessly. It makes for some great puzzles and innovative gameplay. It's also just fun to use. You wouldn't believe how much time you'll waste just messing around with the environment, seeing how it reacts to the wind. It's just that fun.

The game is also visually stunning. Not just for the Wii- but for any console. The graphics are highly stylized, and are incredibly bright and colorful.

To say that the game borrows from the Zelda formula is quite an understatement. Not just the story, but the game progression. You'll complete little dungeons and get new items at the end to aid you in your quest. If there was any more emphasis on the story it would be annoying, but thankfully, LostWinds concentrates on it's strength- the gameplay.

LostWinds is one of the best titles on WiiWare and is a mandatory download for all Wii owners who consider themselves a gamer