
User Rating: 3.5 | LostWinds WII
I loved the game. I'm rating so low because I bought it and it turned out to not be a entire game. I was so pissed. Let me tell you...if they ever release this as a full game they had better give me a discount for BUYING THEIR F***ING DEMO or I wont be buying the game. Since when do you pay for a game demo? *End Rant*

Otherwise the game had a great premise and storyline. The use of the wii remote was a fresh take on what the controller could be used for. The console itself has alot of promise it just take someone to tap in to it. I like the enemies and the fact that everything in the game is ridiculously cute. Lost Winds will be worth the money if they ever release a full edition. It was a promising title and I would really like to play the rest of it but making me pay for the demo was bs.