Madworld is savage, gruesome and is unlike any other beat-‘em-up.

User Rating: 8 | MadWorld WII


+ Bloody, violent and refreshingly gruesome combat

+ Black-and-white comic style visuals shine

+ Soundtrack and running commentary are fantastic


- Camera can render view frustrating

Madworld is a one-of-a-kind game. Like Madworld’s protagonist Jack describes the game he is playing, “Like Polo, with Chainsaws”, this terribly savage and shocking black-and-white feast of style and gore makes good use of its unique approach. Madworld is violent, satisfying and a breath of fresh air into the Wii console and a worthy addition to anyone who can handle its mature content.

The fictional Varrigan City has been transformed in a killing game (as later would be explained in the game) and you play as Jack, just a fellow named Jack. In a killing game where killing your enemy as brutally as you can in order to earn points in order to fight against the bosses, so you can savagely skewer them. But there is an underlying objective to badass Jack’s appearance in the game, and through the short and entertaining blood fest of a story, you will find out the mystery and the terror that had befallen this city.

Madworld is black-and-white graphically that is never seen in video games. So as you cut your way through each enemy, blood, and RED vivid colored blood will splatter on your screen as you do so. Blood is the only thing that has a color in this game, and you will be seeing a substantial amount of it. The game is divided in levels where you need to meet the amount of points needed to fight against the boss. What Madworld is more than other beat-‘em-ups is that you don’t just fight your enemies, you brutalize them, in more ways that a few ways. You can simply punch your enemies with Jack’s massive hard-hitting fists, or his dashing and terrifying saw to slice foes in half, or to rack more points (the more brutal, the more points) you can use the items you find in the levels. For example, using a tire nets you a few thousand points, sticking a pole in their neck a few more thousand points, and as you finish them off in a deadly trap, you net even more points. Deadly traps are set anywhere in the level, and generally will vary in each stage, like the ‘rose bush’, a deadly train, spike closing trash can and other sorts of heinous traps to massacre your foes.

Controls are fairly simple. Punch with A and hold B for chainsaw. There are a ton of quick-time events that require you to aggressively shake the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. And there are ton of these against bosses. In some awesome looking quick-time events, successfully performing the quick-time event allows you to do a lot of damage, because frankly the only efficient way to damage a boss is with a chainsaw, and only using the slow chainsaw to do damage isn’t exactly fun. Bosses are huge and varied and the ending sequence to witness against each boss is fantastic, making you witness more brutality, of course with extra style. Some quick-time events are too fast though, and the game doesn’t completely recognize some vertical and horizontal slashes perfectly as it could have done.

How do you rack up millions of points in a level? Time limit is 30 minutes for each stage, so if you run of out of time, or lives in each level you have to restart from the beginning which can be a frustrating ordeal. Getting enough points can be a ten minute thing easily if you can effectively brutalize your enemy, but it might take long if you dispatch of your enemy in more humanized ways. You also have limited lives (like in an arcade) and when you die you are prompted whether you want to continue or not. There are instant deaths as well, like when you are hit by a train or sliced by deadly later enemies. There is no forgiveness in losing your last life to the boss, which can be diabolically frustrating to repeat a whole level again, especially since enemies get plentifully hard and deadlier. Camera isn’t much help since you can’t turn it as you will, and can pose troubles, but Jack’s quick back-dodge can be quite effective to counter it, although the camera remains an issue nonetheless, but the lock-on system can at least make focusing on boss fights more bearable.

The most effective to get those needed points is through the Bloodbath challenges. These hilarious, over-the-top challenges are comically presented by the Black Baron which ironically and unwillingly gets to be the demonstration for these deadly traps where you get to put enemies in these traps as time passes quickly. These are fun, quick laughs and quite a highlight for a game that does little more than enlightening violence.

As stated, Madworld is a comic/manga visualized beat-‘em-up that can quite tire the eyes. Blood splatters as you kill, pierce, or use your chainsaw to cut them in half and gives life to Madworld. Though it isn’t whole black-and-white. The white seems yellowish, and the black isn’t completely darkness black, but that’s little issue. Its style is ‘charming’ and the character designs, and especially the large and terrific bosses are varied and unique. There are some unique events as well, such as a deadly race and a sumo match. And which each finish, spectacular cutscenes ensures. I haven’t mentioned the music yet, but rest assured it’s fantastic. Filled with hip-hop soundtrack and an aggravatingly awesome constant running competition, it really makes you feel right in the middle of the action.

It may run out of spark with its combat near the end, even though it’s quite short unfortunately but even on the Wii, very few games can match Madworld. Its unique visual and risk prowess and highly entertaining and over-the-top combat and enemies make Madworld a Wii-exclusive wonder. Forget your surroundings (and make sure there are no kids around) and engulf yourself in this madness of a beat-‘em-up because too few games can be like it.


Graphics = 8.2

Striking black-and-white visuals and blood effects. It may be a bit difficult to identify enemies in this game but once you do, blood will splatter.

Music = 8.8
The commentary is awesome and lively, and sarcastic and keeps things running widely. The multiple soundtracks are pretty impressive as well.

Presentation = 7.6
The camera can be an ordeal but the load times are pretty reasonable.

Gameplay = 8.0
Brutal, savage combat that increases your points the more violent you can be. Quick-time events are plenty and sometimes feel unneeded. Great boss fights with terrific finishes.

Story = 7.5
Entertaining but short and there is more to it than simply murdering everyone you see.

Recommendation Level = Medium
You probably never played a game like Madworld.

Level of Difficulty = Medium
Later levels are tougher and contain frustrating one-hit kill enemies, and the bosses aren’t pushovers

OVERALL SCORE = 79 / 100

Madworld is savage, gruesome and is unlike any other beat-‘em-up.