Not great like the first, but almost there.

User Rating: 9.5 | Manhunt 2 PS2
Manhunt 2 was developed by Rockstar Games, is an Action/Adventure game for multiple platforms. And is the second game in the series, with that in mind it has nothing to do with the first game at all. Although the same style of gameplay and so on . The first Manhunt received a lot of controversy, and in the case made this game to be toned down a bit. With this when you kill someone up lose and personal the screen will go kind of blurry and change colors. For some this feature will make them turn away, ruin the game for them, or not bother them at all.


You start off in Dixmor's Asylum, you are said to be insane, but one night during and electrical storm the power goes out. In this a lot of inmates are free and running around, you are Daniel Lamb, who gets help to escape from a so called friend Leo Kasper. Not long after you start remembering things, Leo wants to leave but Danny wants to stay and figure out what happened to him. Unlike the first game no one is forcing you to stay and do this. So one may ask why doesn't he just leave, it kind of makes the game pointless. Well to some maybe, but in fact there's a man with a horrifying past who doesn't remember it all. It's one of those things if he doesn't do this he'll regret if for the rest of his life.

Graphics and Sound

The Graphics aren't much different from the first game, they aren't horrible but could have been better. The detail is nice but like I said everything in the end could have been done better than what it was. The sound is nicely done, from the guns to listening to the enemies footsteps to try and figure out where they are.


The game will start out as basically stealth, then later turn into a third person shooter at parts. You'll be switching between the two through the game. You'll have a lot of different weapons to use, some which can be used once and others as many times as you'd like. There's also different types of executions to pull off with mostly the melee weapons. One of the improvements in the game is being able to pull off an execution with a gun, which looks awesome when blowing someone's head off. With this being a somewhat stealth game, your going to make your foes split up and take them out one by one. It only take a little bit to die, and it happens very fast.

In conclusion Manhunt 2 is a lot of fun, and a great story which pulled me in. It has some problems and is a game not a game everyone will be able to dive into. This is one of those games a lot of people passed by, a little simple gem people need to take in.